❄️ October and November product summary
Dec 9, 2024
Hi all,
Seb here. Wow, September and November went by fast. My todo list was longer than expected, so we unfortunately did not publish the monthly product update for October on our website. The good news is that we shipped more than we've ever done before, which means that more than 200 new features and quick fixes were released. Here's a quick update of everything we built for you in October and November - in one go.
Create and share shop links
Charge multiple customers with the same link. This removes the hassle of creating a new invoice every time you want to get paid. It’s almost like a webshop, just simpler.

Create and organise custom products
Ever sent an invoice with the same description more than once? Now you can use custom products to speed this up. Just create your product, add it to your invoice, and send it in seconds. This is currently only available for shop links, but a universal version is on the way.

Easily edit products that are live in shop links
You can now change the information in products that are live in an existing shop links. This will automatically update the information on the shop link as well. No need to create new shop links if you want to change the title of something similar.

Create shop links limited by time
Are you selling something within a certain due date? Limit the shop link with a start and due date!

Create shop links with split invoices
The new shop link release is massive. One of the new features allows you to create custom “split invoice” shop links that automatically charge your customers in instalments. Check it out.

Get up to 1% cashback on split invoices
Your customers can get up to 1% cashback on everything they pay in Dealflow, now also on split invoices.

See who is verified on Dealflow
Ever wondered who else is also using Dealflow? You can now easily see who is verified on the system and who is not.

Get consumer payments as a default plugin
We previously charged plugin credits for consumer payments. But no more! Every Dealflower will now get access to the consumer payments plugin by default.

Discover currencies in alphabetical order
Select the right currency more easily by discovering them in alphabetical order.

End-of-List Messaging for Infinite Scroll Lists
Enhanced UX with end-of-list indicators for easier navigation in long lists.

Use the command bar to find anything, from anywhere.
Click the search icon in the top right corner (or press cmd + K) and you will be able to find any invoice or contact. This works from anywhere in the webapp.

Withdraw money with more clarity
Our new withdrawal flow now gives you more clarity in what you will receive than ever before.

See currencies with more clarity
The platform will now display all currencies with their unique identifiers, making it easier to separate between similar ones, such as Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Kroners.

Easier access to download the invoice
We simplified the invoice download process by adding a direct download icon to each invoice row. This eliminates the need for a multi-step navigation flow, making access quick and intuitive.

190+ other features and general fixes across the platform
As always, we have upgraded the platform in various ways with smaller changes here and there. Log in to check them out.
What’s next?
Auto charge: Automatically charge your customers if you have set up recurring billing.
Account payments: Skip the hefty card checkout fee by charging your customers directly from their bank account, automatically.
Instant payout and credit tab: We know a lot of you are waiting for this. The initial foundation for our credit scoring systems is currently being optimised. Expect more info about this in 2025.
+ A lot more
Got an idea, something that isn’t working, or just want to chat? Feel free to send us a message through the app ✌️